Emily Vo
Benchmarking experiment for animated scenes raytraced in DXR.
- CUDA particle simulation
- Assimp FBX parsing for skeletal animation
- Procedural textures
- Animation through morph targets
- In collaboration with Alexander Chan
Yuki: A Material Point Method Implementation
A physically based animation system built in C++ that simulates elastic / plastic deformation.
- Particle-Grid transfers
- Force calculations
- Affine Particle In Cell implementation
- MAC Grid
- Fast Poisson Disk algorithm and uniform grid data structure
- Poisson sample distribution throughout mesh
- Lloyd's relaxation algorithm
- Neohookean and fixed corotated elasticity
- Plastic and elastic deformation gradient evolution
- Force computation
- Collision velocity correction for rigid bodies
- In collaboration with Alexander Chan
Tasty: Elastic Solid Simulator
A physically based animation system built in C++ that simulates elastic solids.
- Demo
- Mesh tetrahedronalization using TetGen
- Neo-Hookean elasticity model
- Finite Element Method
- Rigid Body Collision Detection
- Rendered in Houdini
- In collaboration with Tabatha Hickman and Alexander Chan
Smoke Simulator
A physically based animation system built in C++ that simulates eulerian fluids.
- Demo
- Multiple smoke source generation
- Rendered in Houdini
City Forgery
A procedural city with crowd simulation.
- Live Demo
- Procedural City Planning with Voronoi Generation
- Procedural Building Generation
- Space Colonization Crowd Simulation Algorithm (Biocrowds)
- Animated Textures
- Bloom, Sobel, and Pointilism Post Processing Shaders
- Implemented in three.js
Tsurumi Painterly Rendering Engine
A maya plugin for transforming 3D renders into oil paintings.
- Demo
- In collaboration with Alexander Chan
- Responsible for orientation field computation and traversal for brush orientation and placement on image
- Responsible for Maya user interface
- Responsible for creation of brush image dictionary to place onto output images
Monte Carlo Rendering Engine
A physically based rendering engine implemented from scratch in C++.
- Demo
- Microfacet Models
- Bounding Volume Hierarchy Acceleration Structures
- Photon Mapping
- Volumetric Rendering
- Dispersion
A procedural music visualizer.
- Live Demo
- Procedural Iridescent Crystal Meshes
- Procedural Flower Meshes
- Procedural Asset Music Animation
- Noise-based Vertex Deformation
- Implemented in three.js
An interactive and procedural sakura tree generator using l-systems.
- Live Demo
- L-System Parser
- Turtle Renderer
- Interactive Grammar Control
- Implemented in three.js
A Virtual Reality Coloring Book Application using Google Daydream.
- Demo
- Interactive Scene Creation
- Hand Modeled Low Poly Meshes
- Implemented using C#, Unity, and Google Cardboard and Daydream